BEGINNERS at Hedgerow

Review by Neal Newman

April 28, 20024

All photos by Mark Garvin

British playwright Tim Crouch is not your typical storyteller. Seeing the American premiere of BEGINNERS at Hedgerow Theatre Company is like playing a game. But it is a rewarding game. The performances, designs, and music are filled with surprises, most of which will not be revealed here. To do so would spoil Crouch’s carefully concealed strategy.

So, instead of a standard review, I’ll describe the experience. Remember, audience confusion is part of it. The setting is a drab bunk room filled with beds. Is it the sleeping room of an antiquated psychiatric ward? The actions of the characters might lead you in that direction. Nigel (Phillip Brown) says he’s a doctor and walks about in a white coat with a stethoscope. He is not a doctor. Lucy (Emma Gibson) claims to be a new mother but screams as she throws her baby about. Joy (Joanna Liao) is first seen casing the joint with a pistol. The audience favorite is Bart (Mike Thurstlic), who is not acquainted with these old friends and keeps asking, “What is going on here?” But he carries a karaoke machine and has no skill with it. The cast is totally professional.

Nicole Lawrie and Phillip Brown

There are themes too: the destruction of the environment, the difficulties of parenting, the passing of time that changes a person, and the relationship between parents and children. Crouch has obviously studied John Bradshaw’s best seller HOMECOMING. If you have too, don’t miss this one.

Part of the experience is making discoveries. After a bit, we learn that these are very old friends (except for Bart) who have been coming to a vacation home for many years. It is raining, so they reveal the personal baggage they bring with them. But that’s only the beginning. Many marvels await. The drab set by Paul Kuhn will erupt with color. The storm-laden lightning by Lily Fossner cannot suggest the wonders to come. Stage Manager Al Caiazzo wrote some of the music. The apt costumes are by Nicole Lawrie, who also appears as a dog.—a dog who talks and spouts sensible nonsense. There are also children. They are wonderful and played by Olivia Seale, Jordan Sheppard, Alice Webber, and Theo Bramucci.

Mention should also be made of the captions unobtrusively located on stage right. Some of the British slang used is incomprehensible to American audiences. They solved a lot of problems.

The experience reminded me of the 1960s when I attended the first Pinter and Ionesco one-acts. You don’t know what is happening, but it is fascinating and filled with “humour.” The audience was challenged and responded with a final cheering ovation. There’s not much left of the three-week run, but check Hedgerow’s website. It will soon be streaming to your living room.

Mike Thurstlic and Emma Gibson

Running Time:  90 minutes with no intermission.

BEGINNERS plays through May 5 at Hedgerow Theatre, 64 Rose Valley Road, Media, PA. For tickets, or 610-565-4211.